Today, I have a few thoughts I’d like to share with you. Today, I was reading Matthew 25:14-30. This is the parable of the talents. In this story, a rich ruler entrusts money to some of his servants (which, the money is what the “talents” are). The master leaves for some time, and then comes back to see what his servants have done with what he entrusted to them. The first and second servants used their talents wisely, and he rewarded them. The third, however, got too scared to use his, and just buried it. The ruler was very unhappy with the third. He had generously given this gift for the servant to use, and had expected him to do so.
In verse 30, it says, “…And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The third servant was described as worthless and cast aside because he did not use what was given to him.
We as Christians have a responsibility to use the talents God has bestowed us with. Based on this parable above, I think we can very well say that it’s a sin not to use our talent (s) for the benefit of God’s cause. For, as we see in verse 30, this man didn’t use his talent and was cast into everlasting torment (“In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”, describing the intense pain and suffering). God has given us skills and abilities for us to use while we are here. I’ve met many who say they are talentless. This isn’t true.
Each one of us has some kind of ability. Are you a good writer? Study your bible more to help you possibly write articles like this one. Can you cook? Look at the prayer list from your congregation. Maybe there are some sick, shut ins, or widows that you could bake cookies for (Or maybe you could easily go to the store and get pre-made dough and bake that). Are you good with small children? Offer to teach bible classes for the little ones. You could even invite them to sit with you in worship, or offer to baby sit them (any influence you could have on the future of the church is ALWAYS needed!). Are you good with people in general? Take flyers from your congregation on upcoming events and invite people! I guarantee you that there is something you can do!
God calls us to be active in His work every day. There is no taking a break from being a Christian. Once you commit your life to God, you are saying that you are going to strive to do everything you can to be pleasing to Him, and to spread His word. To truly love God, you must live for Him with everything you have (1 Thessalonians 1:11, Ecclesiastes 9:1, Colossians 3:17). If you love Him with all your might (Luke 10:27) you will use what you have to serve Him and do as He says (John 14:15).
Let us not be like the man who buried His talents! Let’s use them to bring glory to our God!