Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Rude to Point!

People seem to get unnerved when they see Christians doing what they’re supposed to do, don’t they? They get may get angry and accuse them of acting “holier than thou”.

It seems, however, that people who are supposed to be Christians have a tendency to do this as well. I keep hearing numerous stories about people who bad mouth other members of the church because of how much someone does. Many of these people say, “Oh, that woman is only doing such and such because she wants to look holy.”

It’s rather funny because, a lot of the time, when you look at the lives of the people saying such things, you see that they’re not really living a Christian life to begin with.

I think it’s safe to say that, whether or not they’ll admit it, they’re passing judgment off on the active people because they don’t want to look at themselves and see the dead bones lying inside of their hearts (Matthew 23:27). So, to make themselves feel better about the things that they do, they make accusations of others that most likely aren’t even true.

There are people in this world that want the sinful world and God. But, when one studies God’s word, we see that this is impossible (Matthew 6:27). God gives us grace and mercy because He loves us (John 3:16). So, in return to show that we really do love God, we will do everything we can for Him. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15). It also says that when we are doing God’s will, we must do it with our whole heart (Colossians 3:17).
If we, those who are supposed to be mature Christians, half-heartedly serve Him and not because we love Him, our so-called faith is pointless. The bible also says, “You shall love the Lord Your God with all your soul, heart, and mind.” (Deut. 6:5, Matt. 22:37, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30) This means that we are going to do everything we possibly can for God BECAUSE we love Him.

If you find yourself pointing fingers at those who do a lot of work for God, maybe it’s time for a healthy dose of self-evaluation towards your own actions.

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